Introduction to Git and Github


What is Git about?

In easy words: Git is a version control system(VCS) accessed by the command line . It basically takes a picture of all our files and stores it. It keeps track of changes from one version of our app to another. People can work on the same project locally and in their own repositories and submit  changes to  files using the open source Git hosting interface called GitHub.


How to install Git?

Go to the Git Website. Download for windows, run and install. Open the command line and type:

git –version  #to check that Git was installed correctly and to see the version of it.


What is Github ?

Its a publishing tool, version control system and collaboration platform combined in one. It lets you host your local Git repositories which makes it perfect for open source and team projects. Its built ontop of Git!


Later into my blog ill go deeper into Git commands and how to work with them.

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